The Unlimited Podcast is a podcast for badass women who are on a journey to release learned limitations and live a more present, joyful, and intentional life. It's about reaching for the stars while keeping your feet on the ground. Your Host, Valerie Friedlander is an ICF certified coach, sociologist, business owner, and mom. You can find out more at www.valeriefriedlander.com and follow her on Instagram @unlimitedcoachval
To Emotional Awareness and Beyond
To emotional awareness and, beyond that, to USING that awareness is this week’s topic. As we explored last week, you must first find the emotions and allow space for them. Following that, you can learn how to use them in a helpful rather than harmful way. This is also called being responsive rather than reactive in our behavior. Reactivity isn't just lashing out. Another facet of reactivity is shutting down or avoiding. Both are rooted in survival mode, which is a natural mode when you haven't had room to develop an understanding and relationship to your emotions. This space is also critical in your relationships. First, it keeps you from placing your emotions on other people. Second, it allows space for other people to have emotions because it keeps you from taking responsibility for emotions that aren’t yours.
In this episode of Unlimited, I explore tools that support emotional awareness and beyond that to proactively using that awareness.
Some of what I talk about in this episode includes:
- What emotional awareness isn't about
- Meaning making from emotions
- The emotional life cycle
- What is your part and owning it
- The emotional inventory tool
Deep Self-Care to Shift Habits
More Self-Control Is Not Always the Answer
Planting Seeds to Take Confident Action
Making Decisions I Can Trust
Out of a Funk play list
Ask Val (anonymous form)
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