The Unlimited Podcast is a podcast for badass women who are on a journey to release learned limitations and live a more present, joyful, and intentional life. It's about reaching for the stars while keeping your feet on the ground. Your Host, Valerie Friedlander is an ICF certified coach, sociologist, business owner, and mom. You can find out more at www.valeriefriedlander.com and follow her on Instagram @unlimitedcoachval
119 episodes
Navigating Change in the New Year
Navigating change in the new year without the overwhelm can feel like a lot—especially when life feels messy, uncertain, or heavy. Real change starts with understanding the waters we swim in (ie the pressures of our social norms) and engaging o...
Season 4
Episode 21

Healing Our Relationship with Attention With Cher Hale
Healing our relationship with attention begins with noticing the ways in which our natural need for attention has been damaged. In a society that commodifies attention and polices who and what is allowed attention, we develop a distorted relati...
Season 4
Episode 20

Responsive Practices to Create a Supportive Relationship with Your Teen with Donna Lynne Booher
Responsive practices to create a supportive relationship with your teen starts with acknowledging your own inner child’s unhealed wounds so that you can create space in yourself to hold space for another. These wounds often become activated whe...
Season 4
Episode 19

Navigating Tough Conversations with Emotional Awareness
Navigating tough conversations with emotional awareness is a critical skill as we are all likely to need to engage difficult dialogues, especially during this time of heightened political and social tensions. These types of conversations can be...
Season 4
Episode 18

Learning Self-Advocacy to Strengthen Collective Action with Jenique Jones
Learning self-advocacy to strengthen collective action is a critical component of sustainable social change. Those of us socialized as women are often conditioned to prioritize supporting others, which can make self-advocacy more difficult. How...
Season 4
Episode 17

Embracing Periods of Reflection
Embracing periods of reflection, introspection, and processing is a crucial but often overlooked and devalued aspect of personal and societal growth and change. To create real shifts in the world’s imbalances, we must first engage with the inte...
Season 4
Episode 16

Being Intentional with When to Say Yes
Being intentional with when to say yes isn’t just considering yes vs no. Intentionality also involves how you engage internal resistance to what you say you want to do. There are many reasons you might experience tension and resistance ev...
Season 4
Episode 15

Supporting Changes in Your Life
Supporting Changes in your life means reconnecting to your power in your relationship to change. It allows you to transform the patterns that aren’t serving you during the transition period, rather than carrying them with you into a new space. ...
Season 4
Episode 14

Collaborative Leadership from Boardroom to Patient-Centered Caregiving with Heather Maurer
Collaborative Leadership from Boardroom to Patient-Centered Caregiving is essential for fostering effective relationships between CEOs and board members, as well as between healthcare professionals and patients. This approach not only enhances ...
Season 4
Episode 13

Micro-Actions to Manifest Big Change with Taina Brown
Micro-actions to manifest big change is key because we can often feel overwhelmed by the changes we want to make in our own life, let alone the change we’d like to see in the world. The best part is micro-actions naturally build on themselves. ...
Season 4
Episode 12

Realigning Your Core Values
Realigning your core values requires exploring both what is consciously important to you AND your societal conditioning. Your values, both conscious and subconscious, shape your decisions and motivate our behavior. If you find yourself feeling ...
Season 4
Episode 11

Navigating our Relationship with Death with Nikki Smith
Navigating our relationship with death is a profound part of our human experience, yet we often avoid talking about it. This avoidance not only prevents us from asking for and receiving care, it also reduces our capacity to provide care. Additi...
Season 4
Episode 10

3 Essentials to Maximize Your Experience at an Event
“Three Essentials to Maximize Your Experience at an Event” provides a strategy to keep your planning simple and ensure you get the most out of your investment of time, money, and energy. Some of the obstacles to event ROI include overwhel...
Season 4
Episode 9

Redefining Our Relationship to Productivity with Lisa Zawrotny
Redefining our relationship to productivity is a necessary component of preventing burnout and cultivating well-being. Our current societal relationship to productivity is built on Industrial Revolution era conception of work ethic. This concep...
Season 4
Episode 8

Tending Your Self-Relationship through Values & Shadow Work with Erica Courdae
Tending your self-relationship through values & shadow work helps you engages the roots of your motivation and how you live your life. Our values form the basis of our core motivations. Shadow work helps us acknowledge and heal ...
Season 4
Episode 7

Cultivating Collaboration Over Competition
Cultivating collaboration over competition is essential in today's interconnected world. We don't exist in a vacuum; our social understanding and discernment must be engaged collectively. The spaces we inhabit, like social media platforms, exer...
Season 4
Episode 6

Reclaiming Creativity and Healing Through Art with Krishna Kayastha
Reclaiming creativity and healing through art is essential because you’re innately creative, even if you’re someone who wouldn’t label yourself as “a creative.” Many of people learn to disconnect from their creativity as children because self-e...
Season 4
Episode 5

Foundations for Authentic Public Relations with Catharine Montgomery
Foundations for authentic public relations support building solid connections whether you are an organization or individual. The value of truly listening to others, understanding different perspectives and pathways toward a goal, and then follo...
Season 4
Episode 4

Understanding the 5 Love Languages
Understanding the 5 Love Languages has helped facilitate communication for many people but it has numerous limitations. While the 5 Love Languages has become an extremely popular relationship tool, it’s not a fix-all and it may not be the right...
Season 4
Episode 3

Building a Relationship to Pleasure and Intimacy with Daniela Stevens
Building a relationship to pleasure and intimacy takes a lot of intention in this society that still treats talking about sex as taboo. So many people struggle with intimacy due to lack of communication, trauma, and societal conditioning to dis...
Season 4
Episode 2

Creating Healthy Relationships
Creating healthy relationships in all areas of our life is the focus of this season of Unlimited. A relationship is how we relate to another person, place, thing, or even concept. How we relate to ourselves is at the core of how we relate to ot...
Season 4
Episode 1

Season 3 Wrap-up and New Year Transition Tips
Discover valuable New Year transition tips in this Season 3 wrap-up for the Unlimited Podcast. The period between one cycle and the next is a great time to reflect both on where you’ve been and where you’re going. It’s important to create suppo...
Season 3
Episode 22

Aligning With Your Astrology with Babs Cheung
Aligning with your astrology is a way to explore what works for you. From new year plans to parenting, it’s one thing to recognize that there’s no one size fits all, but it can be hard to step outside the norms without some kind of framework to...
Season 3
Episode 21

Accessing the True Power of Gratitude: Beyond Individualism
Accessing the true power of gratitude requires going beyond the individual mindset approach that is typically referenced. Expressions of gratitude have been observed among many communally based species. It supports group functioning. Thus, the ...
Season 3
Episode 20

How to Create Belonging with Amena Chaudhry
How to create belonging starts with understanding that most of us don’t know what belonging really is. It’s hard to create something that you haven’t first experienced and there is a difference between intellectually understanding vs experienci...
Season 3
Episode 19