Mindset Unlimited: Tips, Tools, and Inspiration for Women Leaders
Your Mindset Unlimited is a podcast for socially conscious women leaders who are on a journey to release learned limitations and live a more present, intentional, and enjoyable life.
In this podcast you'll find tips, tools, and inspiration to help you shift the patterns that create imbalances in the world starting with the internalized patterns that limit us in our own lives. Engaging these limiting mindsets and habits not only expands the impact of our work in the world but also creates more joyful relationships in all areas of our life.
Some of the topics you'll find here are: finding fulfillment, habit shifting, motivation, time management, money mindset, stress management, impostor syndrome, productivity, work/life balance, communication, boundaries, leadership, social activism, burnout, building a business, motherhood, and more.
Your Host, Valerie Friedlander, is an ICF certified coach, sociologist, intersectional feminist, artist, business owner, and mom. Based in Chicago and supporting clients world-wide, she helps high-achieving, multi-passionate women leaders create success on their own terms, honoring all aspects of their life.
You can find out about Valerie and her work at www.valeriefriedlander.com
Follow her on most social media @unlimitedcoachval
Sign up for her email list at www.valeriefriedlander.com/signup
Books referenced on the podcast can be found on Bookshop.org
Mindset Unlimited: Tips, Tools, and Inspiration for Women Leaders
How to Navigate Societal Gaslighting and Stay Empowered
How to Navigate Societal Gaslighting and Stay Empowered is an updated replay of the season one episode “No, You’re Not Crazy.” Most information regarding gaslighting focuses on the psychological experience within individual relationships. However, gaslighting is actually a societal phenomenon with roots in social power dynamics. Those roots are why it is common to experience the psychological impact of gaslighting during periods of social change. However, because we tend to think of gaslighting as an individual experience, the effect of the societal gaslighting is exacerbated and our ability to navigate the stress is inhibited. We must step out of this over-individualization in order to develop support ourselves through the stress and engage this time with intention.
In this episode of Unlimited, the podcast, I engage how to navigate societal gaslighting and stay empowered in times of social change.
Some of what I’ll cover in this episode include:
- What a period of anomie looks like
- Gaslighting and how it’s showing up in our lives
- Shifting how you think about and engage stress
- Intentionally connecting to your values and setting boundaries
- Visioning through risk assessment
The Sociology of Gaslighting
The Sociological Definition of Anomie
Anomie in the Sociological Perspective of Emile Durkheim
Stop Telling Women They Have Impostor Syndrome
Is Someone Gaslighting You?
Here’s How To spot If You’re Being Gaslighted
Embracing Stress Is More Important Than Reducing Stress
3 Things You Need to Create Stability in Times of Uncertainty
How to Start Meditating
Understanding Your Stress Language
Relearning Self-Love
Girl, Learn to Apologize
Red Flags in Online business
Toxic Positivity
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