The Unlimited Podcast is a podcast for badass women who are on a journey to release learned limitations and live a more present, joyful, and intentional life. It's about reaching for the stars while keeping your feet on the ground. Your Host, Valerie Friedlander is an ICF certified coach, sociologist, business owner, and mom. You can find out more at www.valeriefriedlander.com and follow her on Instagram @unlimitedcoachval
Allowing Space to Imperfectly Love Your Body and Yourself with Naomi Gottlieb-Miller
Allowing space to imperfectly love your body and yourself is so important but yet not something most of us do. Our society tends to be very focused on hard work and results, which feeds an attachment to outcome. We are sold over and over the idea that something else has to happen before we can have space, embrace our body, enjoy life. Unfortunately, if your brain is fed something enough without sufficient contradiction, it internalizes it as it's own idea. That's where we get: “Once I lose 10lbs I’ll feel better in my body.” or “Once the kids are back in school, I’ll have time for a yoga practice again.” These ideas are stories about an imaginary future you. That you is divorced from the messiness of being human, which seems a lot more comfortable even if it's just a fantasy. That said, goals certainly can be great and visioning can be fun but the messy you, the human you, the you who makes mistakes, deserves love and attention too. It’s that attention that makes all the difference in how and where you grow.
In this episode of the Unlimited Podcast I invited Naomi Gottlieb-Miller to join me in a conversation around releasing perfectionism as you embody self-love.
Some of what we talk about in this episode include:
- How to simplify self-care
- Releasing the pressure to do it all
- Breaking up with perfectionism
- Self-forgiveness and the value in mistakes
- Developing a loving relationship with your body
- How to create a successful and sustainable habit
Thank you for listening!
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“In My Mind” Song by Amanda Palmer on Spotify
“Burnout: the secret to unlocking the stress cycle” by Emily Nagoski, PhD and Amelia Nagoski, DMA
Brene with Emily and Amelia Nagoski on Burnout and How to Complete the Stress Cycle
The Unlimited Podcast Mix on Spotify
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